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Early Childhood Education

Setting the Stage for Learning

Our Preschool/Pre-Kindergarten/Jr. Kindergarten classrooms are arranged into “Learning Centers”. The programs are based on an age-appropriate, hands-on approach to learning where the teachers become the child's guides instead of implementing a rigidly structured day. The child chooses which “Learning Center” he/she is most interested in and works in that area until his/her interests shift to another area.

Each “Learning Center” focuses on a different area of the child's development and the Preschool/Pre-Kindergarten/Jr. Kindergarten curriculum. They include Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Religion, Dramatic Play, Art, Music and Movement, Sign Language, and the use of manipulative materials to reinforce the area of learning. The children also have the opportunity for “Free Play” outside, weather permitting.

Early Childhood Programs

Parents of Early Childhood

St. Joseph the Worker Preschool/Pre-Kindergarten/Jr. Kindergarten welcomes with open arms, the time that parents/guardians volunteer to help out in the classrooms. Come spend the day with your child in his/her classroom, and see the environment in which they learn, and explore. The children love introducing “their” parent/guardian, and spending the day with them. All parents leave saying what fun they have had, and what they have learned including the ways young children learn. Please feel free to sign up. Due to classroom size, we limit volunteers to one per day per class. There will be a “sign-up calendar” outside your child's classroom or see the classroom teacher. During the year sign up notices are placed outside of the classrooms when we need to have a more than one parent in the class (ex; observations for Progress Reports, Kindergarten Screening time, holiday parties, etc…), please look for these notices in your child's folder.

We ask that all parent/guardian volunteers uphold a professional, Christian-like manner when volunteering with the children. We believe that respecting a child's reputation is just as important as respecting a child's physical well being! Siblings are not permitted in the classrooms during classroom volunteer times.

Important information such as classroom curriculum, special announcements, reminders and calendars will be posted outside of each classroom door. Calendars and letters will be sent home (in your child's file folder) to notify you of special projects, homework, holidays/days off or other newsworthy items. Please take advantage and be sure to check the Early Childhood calendars and letters. Please remember to also check your child's file folder everyday for these important items!