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Requirements for Admission

It is the philosophy of St. Joseph the Worker School that students be placed in an educational environment where they will succeed.  St. Joseph the Worker School may not be able to meet the educational needs of every student; therefore, not all students who apply will be accepted.  If your child is accepted, there is a non-refundable commitment deposit due at the time of enrollment.  Enrollment is not complete until the commitment deposit is paid, and all documents are complete.        

Academics and Conduct

The principal shall review all documents required for application and registration as well as other information deemed appropriate to determine whether a student should be admitted to the school.

Factors to be considered by the principal include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Proof of promotion to the grade to which the student is seeking entry.
  • Results of academic testing
  • Any prior academic, conduct, or psychological records
  • The prior identification of any IEP, 504, or specialized instructional or behavioral plan   

If the student is admitted to the school, the principal shall place the student at the grade level that is in keeping with the student’s competence. 


A student who is five years old by October 15th is eligible for kindergarten.

Non-Catholic Students

Faith is a free gift of God which involves a free response.  The Catholic school provides an opportunity for the student’s act of faith through its religious program.  All students are expected to participate in the religious formation and education programs of the school.  All students are expected to participate in liturgies, retreats, other religious functions, and religion classes.


  • Application
  • Commitment deposit
  • Birth certificate
  • Written immunization records
  • Court ordered custody agreements (if applicable)
  • Parent/Student Handbook Agreement Form
  • Certificate of Individual Request for Loan of Textbooks and Instructional Material
  • Parent release form to obtain previous school records (Grades 1-8)
  • Baptismal certificate (if Catholic)
  • We reserve the right to contact any student’s previous school.

Terms of Enrollment

St. Joseph the Worker School welcomes all admitted students and will take appropriate measures necessary to provide a structured and nurturing learning environment for all.  All students and their parents are expected to favorably respond to the rules and expectations outlined in this handbook and successfully perform the academic work required by the faculty to ensure satisfactory progress.

Students attend St. Joseph the Worker School at the school’s invitation.  Continued enrollment is contingent upon favorable attendance, satisfactory academic performance, a positive attitude, and constructive behavior.  A student considered to be in good standing is: (a) one who has not become subject to dismissal; (b) one whose record of conduct is satisfactory; and (c) one who has met all financial obligations to the school or made satisfactory arrangements with the school’s administration.  As members of the St. Joseph the Worker School community, responsible conduct and decisions are also expected outside of school as well as during all school-sponsored functions.  Decisions relating to rules, regulations, procedures, discipline, or programs made within the administrative structures of the school are final.  All students are admitted on probationary status for the period of one year.